Monday, August 14, 2006

Nationals at Snowmass

Well here we are the Brian Head and Snowmass Nationals are over. Kinda sad cuz that means it almost time to come home. After camping, staying in the Kona Factory Team Condo, then camping in the rain we thought it was time to get a hotel so we sprung for the Days Inn by Crested Butte, I pretty sure you Know were gonna do some riding there.

The Snowmass course wasn’t as hard as Brian head, but then it rained hard Saturday, then again during the night. Oh the tent didn’t leak this time and we didn’t wake-up to a small pond around the tent either, but it was cold! And not having enough blankets wasn’t fun either! So Sunday morning when we got moving about 5:45-6 it had just stopped raining and was about 50-degrees, everything muddy and cold, which isn’t a fun way to start a race. Amanda broke her bottle cage, my grip came off the bar, so we had to fix those problems then it was up the road to the start line which we almost didn’t make our starts. I went off and it felt like a Michigan start. About 100 people. All the expert men up the mountain. The course…20-minutes up the mountain then into the single track climbs, which were about almost impossible, due to the mud and slippery rocks. Finally after about 30-minutes of single track climbing we came into a single track section that was so muddy it was like riding Bloomer or maybe Addison after a hard rain! Slippery as all hell, but with a lot more sharp rocks and roots. Then some more climbing then a crazy decent down a trair that was mainly used by equestrians, so it was concaved and very very dangerous. Amanda and I both too a couple of falls in that section, Amanda taking the worst. Then finally the last decent before the end of the lap and up the hills again, but my erratic shifting and the mudd build up caused my chain to break, I was not happy.

But Super “D” I still can’t get no love! Last weekend I get a flat and this weekend I lost my chain about 50-yrds before the finish line, so I was left to run up the final hill getting passed by 2 people finishing 4th. The course description was for the Super “D” course was Cross country fit and Downhill fast. The start is like a Michigan XC start, ball out off the line but for only a 12-13 minute race. My start running with our bikes sucked! Getting on my bike about 10 people back. But I made time and places with the 44t-11t The course was sweet! So fast in one spot I hit 45mph, lost of switchbacks, a few technical climbs, a long road climb. Glad I put on the down hill 2.3 tire cuz it rained before this race too! But I rode the course perfect. DAMN START! DAMN CHAIN!!


Yeah, XC was rough. Waking up on the mountain in the freezing cold rain and discovering that there is no propane left to make breakfast or coffee is bad news before a race. The only warm-up I had was climbing up to the start line. I think everything got worse from there- I couldn’t drink or take in any food and totally bonked. Had to be the worst I ever felt during a race. Glad its over. Evil mountain.

I was not feeling up for Super D at all. Blacked-out in the parking lot after my XC race- yup this is the worst day ever! But I got it together and went for a practice run on the super D course. One was enough for me- my legs were done and I was feeling terrible. Just wanted it to be over with. I think nerves were definitely a factor here since I learned that if I take 1st my points for this race are doubled and I had a chance at beating this chic who was currently first in the series and had done one more race than me.

I had a horrible start- couldn’t get on my bike then bashed my shin with my pedal. Watched 5 girls with cyclocross backgrounds jump on there bikes no problem. Caught them on the single track and was stuck. Knew my only way out was to pass them on the climb- not easy on my beast of a bike. Actually I think I almost died but anyway… had two more girls to catch on the downhill. Passed the one and then came up on the girl in front in this corner with a sketchy pro-line. Knew it was my only chance so I remembered Crispy’s words, “Eyes up” and I pinned it. All that was left was the descent through the downhill course (so fun, btw) and then a climb back up to the finish. Done, finally! These races and traveling and camping has been stressful but I think it was worth it!



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