Sunday, March 06, 2005

Spotted Complete Kona King

Spent the weekend riding. I had other stuff to do, but felt that getting rides in was the most important. Saturday I rode with Dan S & Andrea. We cruised around ILRA & Kensington for about 2 hours. Then today, Sunday, Justin met up with me at ILRA and had his "King" built up. That bike looked so nice and was so light!!! I put on my front wheel on the Stinky which I think weighs about as much as Justin's whole bike. What ever though. Justin & I put 4.5 solid hours in on the road. The head winds today were really tough out there as was riding the stink up hill on the road. I have been pretty much useless since and have been eating Thai food & watching movies. Good training for NC this week for sure. The weather is starting to get better!!

Check out the Collective if you have not seen it.

Later............. -C-


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