Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A few one liners on Boyne from Bryan

- Losing the bike rack and bikes off of Crispy’s car at 80 mph. Bikes not damaged though!
- Because of the above our drive to Boyne turned into 8 ½ hours.
- Prepping bikes at Midnight Friday night.
- Katie’s pancakes
- Nervous stomach before my first lap, I went last.
- Justin out running everyone of course.
- Little Debbie Swiss Rolls.
- Who took the lime Tostitos?
- “Bill drank all my beer!” Crispy.
- “Hey Bill, want to change a shifter?” It was around 1:00 AM
- Bill keeping my bike running great!
- “I’m at the top of the hill!”
- Bombing down the chairlift downhill. That is always a rush.
- Going out after the rain.
- Jim riding in the rain got the worst lap.
- How great the trail was after it dried some.
- Justin’s Kilt.
- Dale Plant climbing that damn hill 22 times on a singlespeed.
- The moon rise.
- The sunrise.
- The sunset.
- Red Bull.
- Starbucks
- No sleep and up for 40 hours.
- Hells Bells!
- Doing downhill runs on the stinky Sunday night and Monday morning.
- Having my best lap in years at Boyne.
- How nice Danielle is on the trail.
- Crispy’s imitation of Dan.
- My $8.00 shake.
- Not being able to eat much after 3:00 AM.
- Monkey Butt.
- Jim, never raced a 24 hour race, never rode at Boyne, never rode at night! He still rocked.
- My MVP for the weekend was Dan.


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