Sunday, July 24, 2005

Major Taylor Road Race

Take a good look at this. This is what I raced through today. First it was delayed about an hour waiting for the lightning to clear up. At about 9 there was a break in the weather and we took advantage of it. First lap not to bad. A little slow but that's ok given that most of the roads were still soaked. 2nd lap a group of 3 broke away. I caught up with them and tried to get a good break away going. 2 of the guys pussed out and dropped back. So now it was just myself and this fellow Dan. He and I hammered together for the rest of the lap. Heading out onto lap 3 the peleton started to catch us and we fell back into the pack. Once back in the pack the rain started back up again. This time with a vengenance. I'm talking sideways rain blowing so hard that it's making your lips, legs, anything sting when it hits. Then the lightning starts up again. The chase car falls back and notifies us that this will be our last lap. Well there go my pacing. Through 3 faux stream crossing over the road we hammered. Rught up until the last corner. I didn't take the corner as hard as I would have liked to (as I wanted to be able to race next weekend) but still managed to catch a few guys in the final sprint to the line. Picked up an 8th place and in true cycling form I had the throw across the finish line. Then once we were back to our cars they annouced that because of the shortened race they will be refunding everyones money. That's pretty noble for a race promoter considering all the costs and preperation that has to go into such a large event. So I got to race for free. Can't beat that as I don't think 8th would have given me as much as the entry fee.


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