Friday, March 11, 2005

How to plaster your basement with latex

OK boys and girls, for your reading pleasure, I've got a lesson for you in how to fill your basement in Stans tire sealant. So, to start off, I was finally putting the finishing touches on my brand spankin' new King, which looks pretty dang sweet by the way. I just got my centerlock rotors from Continental, who've been awesome in getting our orders placed, so I was all set with components and just had to pull off some finishing details on the build. While at the shop, I decided to mount some Pythons Airlites on my wheels since they've got compressed air. You basically need a compressor for the Airlites to seat the bead. Anyways, I'm always pretty careful with a compressor since I'm kinda averse to high pressure explosions. I jump when a balloon pops. The tires went on hassle free at the shop - cool. When I got at home, I decided in my infinite wisdom to put a bit more pressure in there just to make sure all those little bits and pores got filled by the Stans. I started with the rear tire (which had a mounted used tire pulled from another wheel - lesson here, take note). I decided to pump it up to 60psi, which is well inside the spec of the tire so didn't think anything of it. Well, I was at 58psi and decided to give it one last fateul thrust with the floorpump. What ensued was the biggest, loudest, what the !@#$, messiest, big spankin' bang I think I've ever heard. After that initial shock wore off and the hearing started to fade back in my ears from the blast, the next thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was all white as my glasses were completely covered, thankfully I had glasses on! Then I noticed I was getting dripped on from the ceiling and overhead lights, then I noticed white goo dripping from all the walls, then I noticed white goo on my workbench, then noticed white goo on all my bikes, then noticed white goo was pretty much everywhere including me - hair, face, pants, shirt. When I say white goo everywhere that's no joke, everywhere. Wow!!!

Moral of the story - Be careful inflating used tires to higher pressures. By the way, Stans is a biotch to get out of your hair.

Flash forward to friday morning and only a few more hours and I'm off to North Carolina for some awesome riding. Can't wait!!! I'll take some pics and make you all jealous. See y'all soon and enjoy the snow.



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